Birth Services

At Midwifery & Women’s Wellness Center NV we believe that pregnancy and childbirth is a normal and natural process of life. We also believe that the location of birth should be a place where the mother feels most comfortable and safe. As a woman you should have the option to choose where and how you want to give birth. Your Birth Your Choice!

With MWWC you can choose to have midwifery-led prenatal and postpartum care by our midwives and deliver your baby in a hospital of your choice with the on-call OB physician.

You can also choose a home birth with a midwife and have your birth experience in the comfort of your own home. Home births have been proven to be as safe as hospital births for healthy women with a normal pregnancy. Home births are more satisfying and less likely to employ unnecessary interventions or end in an avoidable cesarean section.

Water births are also an option for you. Water boasts many benefits including its ability to decrease pain during a natural drug free labor. We encourage all who are interested to experience the benefits of a water birth themselves! The benefits of laboring in the water are:

  • Decreased pain
  • Increased ability to cope with labor
  • Increased circulation to the baby
  • Ease of mobility
  • Lowered blood pressure/less anxiety
  • Deeper relaxation
  • Reduced tearing (which makes a much easier and less painful recovery)

Call us to see if a home birth is right for you!

Prenatal and Postpartum Care Package

  • Prenatal visits- One-hour visits once a month until 28 weeks, every two weeks until 36 weeks and then every week until your baby is born. At each prenatal visit we measure fetal growth, check baby’s position, monitor fetal heart rate with a doppler and take your blood pressure.
  • Orders for lab tests and ultrasounds normally recommended for pregnancy.
  • Postpartum visits- start upon discharge from hospital
    • First visit at 24 hours, then 1 week, 2 weeks and then 4 – 6 weeks postpartum. Visits within the first four weeks are conducted in your home, for your convenience and recovery.

Midwifery Home Birth Package

  • Prenatal visits- One-hour visits once a month until 28 weeks, every two weeks until 36 weeks and then every week until your baby is born.
  • Orders for all desired or necessary testing, like lab work, ultrasounds, etc.
  • Labor and birth- Attendance at your labor and birth, and a minimum two hours (average of 3-5) after the birth until both mother and baby are stable.
  • Postpartum visits- you will receive a call within 8-12 hours after birth.
    • First visit at 24-48 hours, then 1 week, 2 weeks and then 4 – 6 weeks postpartum. Visits within the first four weeks are conducted in your home for your convenience and recovery.
  • Newborn screening- Critical Congenital Heart Disease screening and metabolic screening are included in your midwifery package. Referral will be given for your newborn hearing screen.
  • Availability by phone for emergent concerns.
  • Electronic Medical Record that allows you access to all of your medical records, including lab test and ultrasound results, notes from each visit.
  • On call 24/7- 3 weeks prior and 2 weeks after your due date
  • Birth tub rental at additional fee
  • Referral to IBLC if additional breastfeeding support is needed
  • Referral for placental encapsulation

Call us for a free consultation to see if a home birth is right for you!
